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B i o g r a p h y

                Eddie Day


In the early 1980's, Eddie Day was playing the Night Club circuit in a Country Rock/Blues Band. The band had accomplished a lot in the short time they had been together, opening shows for some of the biggest stars in the business. "Hank Williams Jr..Marty Stuart..Johnny Paycheck..and Ronnie Mcdowell" just to name a few.


"Yea it was a wild ride for many years. I loved the music and  gave every second of my life to it. It came before everything, including my family. The road life, the late nights and wild parties was tough on my family and I realized I was losing those closest to me. 


Mary had to drive me home from a gig one night and as she went on in the house, I sat in the car and watched the sun rise. I was starting to sober up and was thinking about my miserable life.


I bowed my head and asked the Lord, "If you really want me as bad as I think you do..You will have to help me.  This crazy life, these drugs and alcohol have its claws in me, and I cant stop by myself. Please help me get to you." 


I meant that prayer with all my heart! And HE heard me! My life started changing. Over the next few weeks I just didnt want to go out like I used to. So after Mary kept nagging, I  broke down & went to church with her. That was the single most important decision I couldve made at that time! 


"I had always put crazy wild things in my life..and thats what came out! Now I was putting something GOOD sober people who knew where I was coming from... Yep, I realized after a short time, He was helping me change just like I had asked!


I started writing a lot of songs, & with all the different musical influences, it came out very different..But different is good!


Now all of these years later, Eddie is  an ordained Minister and he & Mary Pastor their Coffee House/Church called "The Bridge" in their home town of Princeton Wv, every Sunday at 2:00pm & Thursday night at 7:00 pm. 




Watch videos and listen to some music here! (Click)







  All original music c BMI 2014  .."Boogerwoods Productions" "Freedom Recording Studios"  in Southern West Virgina 304-467-8435

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